Uses of Class

Uses of RingElt in com.perisic.ring

Methods in com.perisic.ring that return RingElt
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.a(RingElt m)
          Returns the first coefficient (element) of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt UniversalRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
abstract  RingElt Ring.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The addition a + b of two ring elements a and b.
 RingElt RationalField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a + b.
 RingElt QuotientField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Addition a + b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.add(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns the sum of the parameters.
 RingElt ModularRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a + b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.add(RingElt m1, RingElt m2)
          Returns the sum of a 2*2 matrix, m1 + m2.
 RingElt IntegerRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns the sum of the parameters.
 RingElt F2Field.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The addition a + b mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.b(RingElt m)
          Returns the second element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.c(RingElt m)
          Returns the third element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt RationalField.construct(java.math.BigInteger numerator, java.math.BigInteger denominator)
          Returns numerator/denominator.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.construct(int[] exponents, java.lang.Object[] coefficients)
          Returns a Polynomial by matching exponents to coefficients.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.construct(int exponent, java.lang.Object coefficient)
          Returns the Polynomial coefficient * X^exponent, where X is the variable of this PolynomialRing.
 RingElt QuotientField.construct(RingElt numerator, RingElt denominator)
          Constructs numerator/denominator.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.construct(RingElt a, RingElt b, RingElt c, RingElt d)
          constructs the elements of a 2*2 matrix, a, b, c, and d.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.contents(RingElt b)
          Returns the contents of b.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.d(RingElt m)
          Returns the fourth element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt QuotientField.denominator(RingElt b)
          Returns the denominator of b as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.det(RingElt m1)
          Returns the determinant of m.
 RingElt Ring.div(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Computes a/b.
 RingElt[] PolynomialRing.divmod(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns an array { p/q, p%q }.
 RingElt UniversalRing.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Euclidian division.
 RingElt Ring.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a div b (euclidian division).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.ediv(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p/q (Euclidian division).
 RingElt IntegerRing.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Euclidian division.
 RingElt Ring.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, RingElt b)
          Evaluates the Polynomial p at b.
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, java.lang.String[] var, RingElt[] b)
          Evaluates the polynomial p at the variables var[i] with the values b[i].
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, java.lang.String var, RingElt b)
          Evaluates the Polynomial p (which may be defined over more than one variable) at b for the variable var.
 RingElt[] PolynomialRing.extendedGcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Extended greatest common divisor of the parameters.
 RingElt UniversalRing.gcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt Ring.gcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns gcd(a,b).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.gcd(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Greatest common divisor of the parameters.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.getCoefficientAt(int i, RingElt b)
          Returns the coefficient for x^i of b (or null), where b is considered as an univariate polynomial over x.
static RingElt CyclotomicField.getCyclotomicPolynomial(Ring F, int n, java.lang.String variable)
          Constructs the n-th cyclotomic polynomial over the ring F as a polynomial in the variable variable.
 RingElt ModularRing.getModulus()
          Returns f if this is R/fR.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.getTrueCoefficientAt(int i, RingElt b)
          Returns the coefficient for x^i of b, where b is considered as an univariate polynomial over x.
 RingElt ModularRing.getValue(RingElt b)
          Returns the value of b as an element of R.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.globalLeadingCoefficient(RingElt b)
          Determins recursively the global leading Coefficient of the polynomial over all variables.
 RingElt UniversalRing.inv(RingElt a)
          Multiplicative Inverse.
 RingElt Ring.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt RationalField.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns the multiplicative inverse.
 RingElt QuotientField.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns 1/b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt ModularRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns the inverse b.
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1 mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.inv(RingElt m1)
          Returns the inverse of a matrix m1.
 RingElt IntegerRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b for b == 1 and b == -1.
 RingElt F2Field.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt DoubleField.inv(RingElt a)
          Multiplicative Inverse.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.leadingCoefficient(RingElt b)
          The leading coefficient of b, where b is considered as an univariate polynomial.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a into the Ring.
 RingElt b)
          Maps false to 0 and true to 1.
 RingElt r)
          Maps a double to this field.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a into the Ring.
 RingElt n, java.lang.String str)
          maps the string str into the n-th cyclotomic field
 RingElt a)
          By default, maps a into the Ring using appropriate methods if a is a RingElt, a BigInteger or a String.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a RingElt using the findRing() method with one parameter.
 RingElt r)
          The following Rings are mapped: Cyclotomic fields, where the variable is of the form z* where z ist the preifx of the variable and * is a number; Polynomial rings and Quotient fields over Polynomial rings where the variables are of the form z*; the usual suspects (Z, Q).
 RingElt a)
          Maps a into the Ring.
 RingElt a)
          Maps Ring.Z elements and into this.
 RingElt a)
          If a is an element of another QuotientRing, numerator and denominator are mapped to B.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a RingElt of various other rings to this ring.
 RingElt a)
          If the ring of a is a quotient field we map the quotient of numerator and denominator.
 RingElt a)
          Performs the ususal map as in
 RingElt m)
          Maps a 2x2 matrix m into this.
 RingElt b)
          If b is a modular integer ring, such that the modulus maps to 0, the value of b is mapped to F2.
 RingElt a)
          If the ring of the argument is of a dth cyclotomic field and d a divisor of n we embed via the mapping zd -> znn/d where zn denotes a fixed nth root of unity.
 RingElt str)
          Maps a string to the ring obtained by findRing() without parameter.
 RingElt str)
          All Java identifiers are allowed as variables.
 RingElt str)
          Strings denoting Rational functions (elements of Quotient fields of Polynomial rings) over variables of the form z* where z ist the preifx of the variable and * is a number; are mapped.
 RingElt str)
          Maps a String into the Ring.
 RingElt a)
          Maps the String a of the form xxxxx/yyyyy and xxxxxx into this field.
 RingElt a)
          Maps the String a into this Ring.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a String to an element of this PolynomialRing.
 RingElt str)
          Maps str first into R, then into this.
 RingElt str)
          Maps a matrix of the form { { xxx, yyy } { uuu, vvv } } into this ring.
 RingElt str)
          Returns str as a DoubleField.
 RingElt UniversalRing.mod(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Modular computation.
 RingElt Ring.mod(RingElt a, RingElt m)
          Returns a % m (euclidian division, a modulo m).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.mod(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p%q (remainder of Euclidian division).
 RingElt IntegerRing.mod(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Remainder of Euclidian division.
 RingElt UniversalRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
abstract  RingElt Ring.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The mutiplicaton a * b of two ring elements a and b.
 RingElt RationalField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a * b.
 RingElt QuotientField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Multiplication a * b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.mult(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns the product of the parameters.
 RingElt ModularRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a * b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.mult(RingElt m1, RingElt m2)
          Return the product of two 2*2 matrices, m1 * m2.
 RingElt IntegerRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns the product of the parameters.
 RingElt F2Field.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The multiplicaton a * b mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt UniversalRing.neg(RingElt b)
          The additive inverse of b.
abstract  RingElt Ring.neg(RingElt a)
          Returns the additive inverse -a of an ring element a.
 RingElt RationalField.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt QuotientField.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt ModularRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.neg(RingElt m1)
          Returns the negation of a matrix, -m1.
 RingElt IntegerRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt F2Field.neg(RingElt a)
          Returns -a mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.neg(RingElt b)
          The additive inverse of b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.normalize(RingElt b)
          Returns a normal form for the polynomial b.
 RingElt QuotientField.numerator(RingElt b)
          Returns the numerator of b as an element of the base ring.
          The 1 of the ring.
          Returns the 1 of the ring.
          Returns 1.
          Returns 1.
          Returns 1 as an element of this Ring.
          Returns 1.
          Returns 1.
          Returns the Identity matrix, I = {{ 1, 0 } { 0, 1}}.
          Returns 1 as an element of this Ring.
          Returns the 1 of the ring.
          The 1 of the field.
 RingElt Ring.pow(RingElt b, java.math.BigInteger a)
          Returns b^a.
 RingElt Ring.pow(RingElt b, int a)
          Returns b^a.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.primitivePart(RingElt a)
          Returns b/contents(b).
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.reduceVariables(RingElt p)
          Reduces the polynomial into a polynomial of the polynomial ring with the fewest variables.
 RingElt Ring.sub(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a - b.
 RingElt UniversalRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          True division.
 RingElt Ring.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Computes a/b (true division).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.tdiv(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p/q (true division).
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The same as div(a,b).
 RingElt IntegerRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          True division.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.trace(RingElt m1)
          Returns the trace of m.
          The 0 of the ring.
abstract  RingElt
          Returns the 0 of the ring.
          Returns 0.
          Returns 0.
          Returns 0 as an element of this Ring.
          Returns 0.
          Returns 0.
          Returns the zero matrix { { 0, 0 } { 0, 0 }}.
          Returns 0 as an element of this Ring.
          Returns 0 mod 2.
          The 0 of the field.

Methods in com.perisic.ring with parameters of type RingElt
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.a(RingElt m)
          Returns the first coefficient (element) of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt UniversalRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
abstract  RingElt Ring.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The addition a + b of two ring elements a and b.
 RingElt RationalField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a + b.
 RingElt QuotientField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Addition a + b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.add(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns the sum of the parameters.
 RingElt ModularRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a + b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.add(RingElt m1, RingElt m2)
          Returns the sum of a 2*2 matrix, m1 + m2.
 RingElt IntegerRing.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns the sum of the parameters.
 RingElt F2Field.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The addition a + b mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.add(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.b(RingElt m)
          Returns the second element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.c(RingElt m)
          Returns the third element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 RingElt QuotientField.construct(RingElt numerator, RingElt denominator)
          Constructs numerator/denominator.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.construct(RingElt a, RingElt b, RingElt c, RingElt d)
          constructs the elements of a 2*2 matrix, a, b, c, and d.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.contents(RingElt b)
          Returns the contents of b.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.d(RingElt m)
          Returns the fourth element of the matrix as an element of the base ring.
 int b)
          The degree of b, where b is considered as an univariate polynomial.
 RingElt QuotientField.denominator(RingElt b)
          Returns the denominator of b as an element of the base ring.
static java.math.BigInteger RationalField.denominatorToBigInteger(RingElt b)
          Returns the denominator s if b = r/s.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.det(RingElt m1)
          Returns the determinant of m.
 RingElt Ring.div(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Computes a/b.
 RingElt[] PolynomialRing.divmod(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns an array { p/q, p%q }.
 RingElt UniversalRing.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Euclidian division.
 RingElt Ring.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a div b (euclidian division).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.ediv(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p/q (Euclidian division).
 RingElt IntegerRing.ediv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Euclidian division.
 java.lang.String Ring.eltToString(RingElt a)
          Returns the Ring element a as a String.
 java.lang.String ModularRing.eltToString(RingElt a)
          Returns a in the form "a" or "a mod f" depending on the value of hideMod.
 java.lang.String Matrix2x2Ring.eltToString(RingElt m)
          Returns the matrix m as a String.
 boolean Ring.equal(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          True if a == b.
 boolean UniversalRing.equalZero(RingElt b)
          true if b == 0.
abstract  boolean Ring.equalZero(RingElt a)
          Returns true if a == 0.
 boolean RationalField.equalZero(RingElt b)
          True if b == 0.
 boolean QuotientField.equalZero(RingElt b)
          True if b == 0.
 boolean PolynomialRing.equalZero(RingElt b)
          Returns true if b is equals to zero, false otherwise.
 boolean ModularRing.equalZero(RingElt b)
          true if b == 0, false otherwise.
 boolean ModularIntegerRing.equalZero(RingElt b)
          True if b == 0, false otherwise.
 boolean Matrix2x2Ring.equalZero(RingElt m1)
          Returns true if the matrix m1 == 0.
 boolean IntegerRing.equalZero(RingElt b)
          Returns true if b is equals to zero, false otherwise.
 boolean F2Field.equalZero(RingElt a)
          Returns true if a == 0.
 boolean DoubleField.equalZero(RingElt b)
          true if b == 0.
 RingElt Ring.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, RingElt b)
          Evaluates the Polynomial p at b.
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, java.lang.String[] var, RingElt[] b)
          Evaluates the polynomial p at the variables var[i] with the values b[i].
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, java.lang.String[] var, RingElt[] b)
          Evaluates the polynomial p at the variables var[i] with the values b[i].
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.evaluatePolynomial(RingElt p, java.lang.String var, RingElt b)
          Evaluates the Polynomial p (which may be defined over more than one variable) at b for the variable var.
 RingElt[] PolynomialRing.extendedGcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Extended greatest common divisor of the parameters.
abstract  Ring UniversalRing.findRing(RingElt a)
          A suitable ring able to map a.
 Ring UniversalPolynomialRing.findRing(RingElt a)
          The ring over the coefficient ring with the variables of a.getRing().
 Ring UniversalCyclotomicField.findRing(RingElt a)
          Returns the ring of the argument a if this a Cyclotomic field or Q.
abstract  Ring UniversalRing.findRing(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          A suitable ring able to map a and b.
 Ring UniversalPolynomialRing.findRing(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The result is the coefficient ring over the variables of a.getRing() and the variables of b.getRing().
 Ring UniversalCyclotomicField.findRing(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns cyaclotomic field which contains both a and b.
 RingElt UniversalRing.gcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt Ring.gcd(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns gcd(a,b).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.gcd(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Greatest common divisor of the parameters.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.getCoefficientAt(int i, RingElt b)
          Returns the coefficient for x^i of b (or null), where b is considered as an univariate polynomial over x.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.getTrueCoefficientAt(int i, RingElt b)
          Returns the coefficient for x^i of b, where b is considered as an univariate polynomial over x.
 RingElt ModularRing.getValue(RingElt b)
          Returns the value of b as an element of R.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.globalLeadingCoefficient(RingElt b)
          Determins recursively the global leading Coefficient of the polynomial over all variables.
 RingElt UniversalRing.inv(RingElt a)
          Multiplicative Inverse.
 RingElt Ring.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt RationalField.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns the multiplicative inverse.
 RingElt QuotientField.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns 1/b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt ModularRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns the inverse b.
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1 mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.inv(RingElt m1)
          Returns the inverse of a matrix m1.
 RingElt IntegerRing.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b for b == 1 and b == -1.
 RingElt F2Field.inv(RingElt b)
          Returns b^-1.
 RingElt DoubleField.inv(RingElt a)
          Multiplicative Inverse.
static boolean RationalField.isIntegral(RingElt b)
          true if denominator of b equals 1.
 boolean QuotientField.isIntegral(RingElt b)
          true if the denominator is one.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.leadingCoefficient(RingElt b)
          The leading coefficient of b, where b is considered as an univariate polynomial.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a RingElt using the findRing() method with one parameter.
 RingElt r)
          The following Rings are mapped: Cyclotomic fields, where the variable is of the form z* where z ist the preifx of the variable and * is a number; Polynomial rings and Quotient fields over Polynomial rings where the variables are of the form z*; the usual suspects (Z, Q).
 RingElt a)
          Maps a into the Ring.
 RingElt a)
          Maps Ring.Z elements and into this.
 RingElt a)
          If a is an element of another QuotientRing, numerator and denominator are mapped to B.
 RingElt a)
          Maps a RingElt of various other rings to this ring.
 RingElt a)
          If the ring of a is a quotient field we map the quotient of numerator and denominator.
 RingElt a)
          Performs the ususal map as in
 RingElt m)
          Maps a 2x2 matrix m into this.
 RingElt b)
          If b is a modular integer ring, such that the modulus maps to 0, the value of b is mapped to F2.
 RingElt a)
          If the ring of the argument is of a dth cyclotomic field and d a divisor of n we embed via the mapping zd -> znn/d where zn denotes a fixed nth root of unity.
 RingElt UniversalRing.mod(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Modular computation.
 RingElt Ring.mod(RingElt a, RingElt m)
          Returns a % m (euclidian division, a modulo m).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.mod(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p%q (remainder of Euclidian division).
 RingElt IntegerRing.mod(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Remainder of Euclidian division.
 RingElt UniversalRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
abstract  RingElt Ring.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The mutiplicaton a * b of two ring elements a and b.
 RingElt RationalField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a * b.
 RingElt QuotientField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Multiplication a * b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.mult(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns the product of the parameters.
 RingElt ModularRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a * b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.mult(RingElt m1, RingElt m2)
          Return the product of two 2*2 matrices, m1 * m2.
 RingElt IntegerRing.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns the product of the parameters.
 RingElt F2Field.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The multiplicaton a * b mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.mult(RingElt a, RingElt b)
 RingElt UniversalRing.neg(RingElt b)
          The additive inverse of b.
abstract  RingElt Ring.neg(RingElt a)
          Returns the additive inverse -a of an ring element a.
 RingElt RationalField.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt QuotientField.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt ModularRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b.
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b mod m.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.neg(RingElt m1)
          Returns the negation of a matrix, -m1.
 RingElt IntegerRing.neg(RingElt b)
          Returns -b as an element of this Ring.
 RingElt F2Field.neg(RingElt a)
          Returns -a mod 2.
 RingElt DoubleField.neg(RingElt b)
          The additive inverse of b.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.normalize(RingElt b)
          Returns a normal form for the polynomial b.
 RingElt QuotientField.numerator(RingElt b)
          Returns the numerator of b as an element of the base ring.
static java.math.BigInteger RationalField.numeratorToBigInteger(RingElt b)
          Returns the numerator r if b = r/s.
 RingElt Ring.pow(RingElt b, java.math.BigInteger a)
          Returns b^a.
 RingElt Ring.pow(RingElt b, int a)
          Returns b^a.
 RingElt PolynomialRing.primitivePart(RingElt a)
          Returns b/contents(b).
 RingElt UniversalPolynomialRing.reduceVariables(RingElt p)
          Reduces the polynomial into a polynomial of the polynomial ring with the fewest variables.
 RingElt Ring.sub(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Returns a - b.
 RingElt UniversalRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          True division.
 RingElt Ring.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          Computes a/b (true division).
 RingElt PolynomialRing.tdiv(RingElt p, RingElt q)
          Returns p/q (true division).
 RingElt ModularIntegerRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          The same as div(a,b).
 RingElt IntegerRing.tdiv(RingElt a, RingElt b)
          True division.
static java.math.BigInteger ModularIntegerRing.toBigInteger(RingElt b)
          Returns the BigInteger value of b.
static java.math.BigInteger IntegerRing.toBigInteger(RingElt b)
          Returns the value of b as a BigInteger.
 boolean F2Field.toBoolean(RingElt a)
          Returns the boolean value of a.
static double DoubleField.toDouble(RingElt b)
          returns the double value of b.
 RingElt Matrix2x2Ring.trace(RingElt m1)
          Returns the trace of m.

Constructors in com.perisic.ring with parameters of type RingElt
ModularRing(RingElt m)
          Constructs m.getRing()/m * m.getRing().